Aspirational Goal: Catalyze a culture of health, wellness, and sustainability that employs affordable, practical, effective, acceptable, safe, and equitable interventions to improve people’s ability to live a life within the limitations of Earth’s resource and environmental systems.
Long Term Objectives
Develop comprehensive, data-driven health and wellness program to improve the health of students, staff, and faculty.
Short Term Objectives
Create a “Healthy Huskers” employee health and wellness group.
Enhance the awareness and use of existing health and wellness resources by employees and students by 25%.
Increase employee and student physical activity by 50% by promoting a culture that uses alternative forms of transportation for commuting by students, faculty, and staff.
Establish a streamlined process for developing partnerships with health and wellness-related services that will benefit the UNL community.
Current Initiatives
Read More About Health and Wellness Culture at UNL
Sustainability Tips

It’s easy to think of sustainability as a way to protect the environment and forget all the ways engaging in sustainability activities can help promote individual and community wellbeing. A balanced approach to sustainability focuses on human and economic impacts as well as environmental impacts.